
by Winy

Nutrition Consulting Website

About Winy Chen

Wellness by Winy is a wellness company that specializes in working with clients in all stages of the lifespan. In order for people to eat well and live well, there must be a total mind, body, and spirit connection. Wellness means one is healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Most wellness programs and services work at the level of the body, forgetting the importance of the mind and spirit. By tapping into the latest psychoimmunocology, I provide a holistic approach to nutrition and health services.

Wellness Blog Logo Lotus Flower Winy
Wellness By Winy Website in multiple screens

Our Approach to Wellness by Winy

Neo Genesis Web spent several days with Winy Chen, an R.D. is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Wellness Coach, working together understanding what pathway we have to take to create a lead maker website for her coaching programs and Cooking Schools.

We proposed a whole brand strategy, that included the logo, color schema, Web Design, Facebook Page, Instagram, and YouTube Channel. Our goal was to reach most of her target audience possible to accelerate conventions on the website.

"After months of hard work with my designer on my professional website, I am please to say I am at the final round! It is a process, but I learned so much about web design. Thank you Carlos De Leon for your professional work, patience, attention to details, and so willing to work with me. Love when you say, “No problem, Winy!” I also need to thank my cousin Poyu Chen for his architectural framework and my husband and friends for their feedbacks. Love you all! If anyone ever need a web designer, Carlos is the guy!!!"