Inbound Marketing and The Importance in the Design

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Today everybody talks about of inbound marketing but, How do you really know what it is?

This new concept was born to respond to changes in consumer behavior, that no longer are passive recipients, or are willing to allow advertising interruptions from traditional media. The inbound marketing born to respond to this new reality in which customers are found with marks on them interact with so spoiled without unwanted interruptions.

The inbound marketing is based on three pillars: SEO, content marketing and social media marketing, working in an integrated way and are part of an overall strategy, which will combine all the actions, channels and techniques to improve the reputation of the brand and achieve greater on-line visibility.

Inbound Marketing and The Importance in the Design |
When many people think of inbound marketing, they focus on content alone. And that’s not completely off base. Content is incredibly important to a successful inbound marketing strategy. But what many overlook is the importance in design as well. A thoughtful and cohesive design can have just as much impact as the content on your website, leading visitors to spend more time on your site and thus leading to a higher percentage of conversions.

So, what is it about design that is so critical to inbound marketing? Here’s a few notable things:

[dropcap text=”1″ txt_color=”#ffffff” bg_color=”#7AB80E”] A First Impression of Your Brand

If you’ve ever been browsing the web for something and you’ve come across a site that seems old and dated—and decided not to make a purchase there, then you’ll understand this one. Your site’s design is an immediate, first impression for your brand. Before any visitor reads what’s on your page, they will be absorbing the visuals, the colors, and the feel of your site in just a matter of seconds.

In the same manner that you make an impression when you meet someone for the first time, so does your website. This impression is very real and has a tangible impact on the end user’s behavior. If it comes across as sloppy, dated, unstable or confusing, then my guess is your sales numbers are reflecting it.

[dropcap text=”2″ txt_color=”#ffffff” bg_color=”#7AB80E”] It Must be Easy to Understand

If a site is poorly designed, you’ll notice because you’ll likely have a poor or frustrating experience. You may spend a few seconds clicking around, eventually getting frustrated that you’re not sure where to go. On the other hand, a well-designed website is graceful and subtle. You understand what’s happening on the site and where you need to navigate to. You readily understand the business and what the offerings are.

A poor design experience can launch someone right off your page, and send them looking for your competitors. A thoughtful design will encourage them to stick around for a while.

[dropcap text=”3″ txt_color=”#ffffff” bg_color=”#7AB80E”] A Strong Call to Action

A strong design will in turn have a strong call to action. The design will guide your visitors on where to click and what the next step is. The design will usher them through the next steps, whether it is to purchase, read more or walk through a slideshow.

[dropcap text=”3″ txt_color=”#ffffff” bg_color=”#7AB80E”] Mobile Optimized

It used to be that being mobile optimized was a “nice to have” but nowadays, being mobile optimized is an absolute must. More than two-thirds of people are browsing their emails and websites on their mobile devices. Websites that are not designed properly are going to be cut out of their browsing preferences. This is something you can do fairly easily: update your website to be designed responsively and simplify everything across the board so it looks great across all devices and browsers.

[dropcap text=”3″ txt_color=”#ffffff” bg_color=”#7AB80E”] Give Design the Respect it Deserves

Design, user experience and content all have a seat at the table, and the three must be in partnership to make a website experience exceptional and drive successful inbound marketing.

We at Neo Genesis WEB pride ourselves on our expertise in design and development; it’s our bread and butter.

Do you want to know how to enhance the design of your website? We’d love to help. Contact us to tell us more.

NeoGenesis WEB Admin

NeoGenesis WEB Admin

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